As you enter this blue lias property you enter a spacious hallway with an attractive glass panelled staircase and access to the cloakroom.
Open Plan Lounge/Dining Room/Kitchen:
28' 8'' x 16' 3'' (8.73m x 4.95m)
This is a light space with French doors taking advantage of the views over the lengthy garden, with storage space. This opens to the bespoke kitchen which is modern in design with an attractive Belfast style sink and stainless steel extractor hood.
Utility Room:
7' 0'' x 5' 3'' (2.13m x 1.59m)
Fitted with a stainless steel sink and drainer, mixer taps, low level units and space & plumbing for washing machine.
10' 5'' x 8' 10'' (3.17m x 2.68m)
Versatile in it's use.
Bedroom 2:
13' 4'' x 8' 10'' (4.06m x 2.70m)
With views over the garden.
Fitted with a suite comprising shower, wash hand basin & toilet.
Bedroom 5/Reception Room:
11' 3'' x 9' 5'' (3.44m x 2.86m)
With views over the garden.
12' 9'' x 11' 5'' (3.88m x 3.49m)
(Max measurement with restricted head height) This is spacious in design and could be utilised as a reading area or as an additional study.
Bedroom 1:
23' 5'' x 8' 8'' (7.13m x 2.64m)
(Max measurement with restricted head height). This spacious bedroom has views over surrounding countryside with a walk in wardrobe/dressing room and en-suite.
Suite comprising a double shower cubicle, Vanity wash hand basin and low level toilet.
Bedroom 3:
15' 2'' x 9' 5'' (4.62m x 2.88m)
(Maximum measurements with restricted head height)
Bedroom 4:
13' 1'' x 9' 6'' (3.99m x 2.90m)
(Maximum measurements with restricted head height)
This spacious bathroom has a bathroom, double shower, Vanity wash hand basin and low level toilet.
As you enter the development you will be presented with an electronically controlled iron trellis gate this leads to the communal gravelled parking area. There is a car port with additional parking spaces for the property. The garden is lengthy is laid to lawn with fence panels to the side and an open plan view to the rear.
Agents Notes & Services:
Mains water & electricity. Biodigestor drainage. Air Source Heat Pump heating system. Underfloor heating. There is a monthly service charge of £50 per property is payable for the upkeep of communal areas, car charger, insurance and drainage treatment plant.
Viewings By Appointment:
Langport Office 01458 252530
Disclaimers: Information is given in good faith, but may not be accurate. Compass points and measurements are for guidance only, especially L shaped rooms, attic rooms and land. Fixtures & fittings are not tested so may not work (phone lines, broadband, TV antennas, satellite dishes are a tenant rather than landlord responsibility and cost). We do our best to help, so please ask if any point needs clarification. Do please use aerial maps/images provided through our website to check out the location before travelling any great distance. We do not carry out hazardous substances surveys before marketing properties, so have no idea whether or not asbestos etc may be present so viewings are at your own risk. Errors & omissions excepted.
Broadband Speed: If you search Google for 'broadband speed postcode' you will find many sites which will guess the broadband speed of any postcode in UK. You will be quoted several different speeds which is why we do not make such claims.
We have not tested items such as TV or antennas, Sky or dishes, Broadband or telephone connections